Would it make a difference?

22 11 2006

Take a look at the short video below. It’s only about 1 minute 40 seconds long. You may have to click the screen image twice for the video to start playing. After you watch it, share your thoughts via the “Comment” link below.

Video by BlueFishTV.com

Now that you’ve watched it… what are your thoughts? This homeless man is an example of a neighbor in need. Perhaps not a neighbor by way of living next door but a neighbor in the sense of what Jesus meant when He instructed us to love our neighbor as ourself. Like the driver in the video… would you pass this homeless man by? Would you spare your loose change? Do you ever struggle with how to help those in need while also not feeling as if you are being taken advantage of?



28 responses to “Would it make a difference?”

22 11 2006
Molly (07:37:53) :

Wow! That was powerful and reminded me of a guy we call “Mac”. For about 3 weeks everywhere I went he was there. Now where I work seeing homeless people is a common affair, but “Mac” was different. In the course of a day I am in several different places and in that day he was there. There was something about his eyes. When i finally got a chance to talk to him, he was at Mc Donald’s and I asked if I could buy him dinner. He said please. THe whole thing was neat and weird because there was something different about him. like he knew i was going to ask him something. He was very polite and didn’t talk much. He showed up one more time at McDOnald’s and walked right passed me (like in a movie). I didn’t have any money, but Sheila bought him dinner that night. AFter that we never saw him again. Sometimes I look for him, but he is nowhere to be found. That is another strange thing. Because where I work you see the same people over and over again.

Does this answer the question? maybe not, but I know i will have a hard time driving past someone after my experience with “Mac” because you never know…

22 11 2006
Dirk (17:53:41) :

Many use the excuse that they can only help a very few and they go through their church. Others say that many people like this man use any money they get for evil purposes.

The point is, IF we are living like Jesus, then we will not only love like Him, but we will be LED by the Holy Spirit like He was. This means we will KNOW what we are to do.

If we are doing it because it is the thing to do, then we are doing it for the wrong reasons. We MUST be obeying God ALONE! We cannot be moved by a need, Jesus only helped others when the Holy Spirit had Him do so.

Are we to just do what we think it right? Then we are choosing what is right and wrong, what is good and evil from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Unless we are LED by the Holy Spirit in everything we do, then even when we think it is a good thing, it is not from faith but by popular opinion. God does NOT work that way.

Do we minister from the flesh or from the Holy Spirit? The flesh may do what appears to be very good things to the natural mind, yet it’s motivation comes from the pits of hell; it is selfish, self-centered, and self-serving, even when seemingly helping others.

Guilt should NOT be our motivating factor but rather, we are to walk in Love JUST LIKE JESUS, being led in EVERYTHING by the Holy Spirit.

There have been times we have helped others and sometimes we have not. In each case, we found it to be a blessing from the Holy Spirit WHEN we obeyed Him!

However, we must always be willing to do whatever the Holy Spirit says, even if it means giving our all for someone like this man. We may even have to bring him to our house and take care of him, offering him hospitality and perhaps either we or the man will be discipled because of it.

We have no rights if we are disciples of the Lord. We are to bow our knee to HIM ALONE! May we all come to the place of absolute surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ, NOT popular opinion of what is right or wrong, good or evil!

a bondslave in Christ Jesus, Dirk

22 11 2006
Alicia Tunby (23:39:00) :

Do you remember that song a few years back, “Jesus to the world”? I felt the holy spirit tugging at my heart regarding a local homeless man in my hometown.His name was Thomas.I would walk by to go in a store and I would hear that still small voice say, “Are you going to just walk on by him or are you going to be Jesus to him”? Well, I walked out of the store and I had to give him some money. I knelt down to ask him if he was a believer and he told me he was.He asked me to pray for him and I did.People talked about him and said you should not give him money because he will probably drink it up. That is not for us to worry about.Jesus never said give and follow them around afterward to see what they are going to use it for.He said give and it will be given unto you. I know Jesus was that man.It is funny how the one that is the lowliest and meek and someone that most people would never pay attention to are so much like Jesus. I also believe Jesus tests us sometimes to see what we will do. That man several years ago on a cold winter’s night sat beside a service station with his bible open and went to be with Jesus. You just never know who you are passing by…

22 11 2006
LiveLikeJESUS (23:57:19) :

I believe what Dirk says to be very true. We should always seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in everything we do and that is partly the point of why I chose this particular video to share. When we are faced with a choice between helping someone in need or turning the cheek… what will we do and how will our choice be formed? Will we drive on because our individual experiences or worldview tells us that this homeless person may take our money to buy beer or drugs? Will we stop and toss a few quarters out the window because our guilt shames us and we want to at least make ourselves feel good in the moment while nothing long-term is done to easy someones suffering? Will we slow down for a moment and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance?

Our lives are so busy and filled with so much distraction that its easy to miss what opportunities God may be laying out right in front of us. This video was not meant to inspire anyone to run out and give money to a homeless man (or woman) but rather to see the need and at least slow down long enough to take it to God in prayer rather than dismissing it or submitting to it under the wrong pretences. God speaks to us by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways (Henry Blackaby - Experiencing God) and it is up to us to recognize and answer the call.

Obviously, for someone new to their faith (or those of us who have been followers of Christ for some time)… a bigger question that evolves out of this might be how to discern when the Holy Spirit speaks and how to recognize what is being said. For some that may be an easy thing (knowing where the Spirit is leading) but I can honestly say that I struggle with that on a daily basis. I pray daily and ask God for discernment to know His will, rather than my own, so that I may make adjustments in my life to follow Him.

Let the conversation continue… ;)

23 11 2006
Prashant (08:50:29) :

the man who is facing that situation does he know the lord and the 2nd thing the man who was watching does he knows the Heasvenly father. If the man who was homless the same was my situation and the lord answered me by giving Me victory I’m very proud to boast on the lord and He comforted me by saying”B’hold the eyes of the lord is upon them that fear him and hope in his mercy.to d’liver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine ” so what more shall I say Bro. you are the minister off the Lord.
Bro plz pray for me coz on this 29th I’m going to face a big Examination that Ishould get passed in that coz the word of the Lord says that they shall lay thier hands on the sick and they shall recover.
thnx your’s

24 11 2006
David (00:59:04) :

I feel sometimes if we are real and honest we help folks like this man because it makes us feel better about ourselves. I think we should be led by the Holy spirit and always remember the focus is on the Lord not ourselves.

I feel putting together a care package in a simple plastic bag with water,tootpaste,toothbrush, a can of beanie weanies, a fork, deodorant and a gospel message is a awesome way to help and it doesnt add to his or her possible destruction money can bring them at that time. Put them together keep them in your trunks and let the Lord do the rest.

Have a blessed day!

Love y’all

25 11 2006
Dylan (20:02:42) :

Great idea David. I am a 15 year old Christian and I would really love for my faith to grow. After watching this movie, I know exactly what I will do when I see a homeless person. I will treat him like he is Jesus. I get really pumped when talking to fellow Christians…lol. I hope yall had a great Thanksgiving.

3 12 2006
April (18:59:09) :

I have worked serving the poor in Jesus’ name for over 25 years and there is one interesting fact I’d like you all to know- regularly seen homeless on regular intersections and traffic and transportation hubs feel a deep emotional connection to people who help them in small ways. It becomes their assurance that they are loved and not forgotten- for this reason it is important to make a small gesture of care that you can regularly do. If you pass spots that are regularly inhabited by homeless come prepared with your gesture. Vary it. Make it non financial if possible.
Small boxes of cereal, peanut butter and crackers, water, juice boxes, socks.. be creative and loving. Space blankets, thermal underwaer, gloves, hats, light blankets, backpacks- Don’t be afraid of a dollar fifty- It buys a cup of coffee indoors. If all else fails. We can always offer a solution but we can offer love.

18 12 2006
kiyo (07:45:24) :

wow, this video has really a wonderful message. i cant describe what im feeling right now, its as if it was really meant to be that i was able to read it. i hope that i will always have a food in our car so that whenever someone like him passes by, i could give somethings. but of course we should also give them our prayers..ü

23 12 2006
carla (13:24:49) :

I have always felt as though we should at least give something to those less fortunate,what they do with it is not really why we give it to them.There ,but for the grace of God go I is always what my parents said.My husband was faced with a known drug addict asking for money to buy diapers and food for her baby,and he bought her what she needed ,thereby assuring that the baby would be helped and hopefully not her drug habit

29 12 2006
M.Parthiban (09:19:15) :

Praise to be the lord,

Surely lord hated the double minded mens. of course the man inside the car was seen as double minded and he was very lazy to helpout the poor.
We have urge to help the poors as what lord commands us.

what i learnt is, if god give us 100 rupees and give the situation to help others,atleast we have to give them 10 rupees,it is not just for that poor men, but we give to lord.

9 01 2007
Ben (15:19:55) :

First of all I have to say…. being a Christian does not in ANY WAY make you a nicer more giving person. Christians can be some the meanest people I have ever met. So what are “you” Christians going to do about it. Your name has been mocked for milenia, and for good reason. Maybe all christians should study buddhism, the true way to find peace and meaning.

16 01 2007
Alicia Tunby (11:18:51) :

Dear Ben.

You are exactly right when you say that christians can be mean but please do not discredit all of us.It is not our name that is being mocked but the precious name of Jesus Christ and there is going to come a day when every knee will bow to him whether you believe in him or not.When this earth rocks to and fro and the mountains are moved out of their places and the sky is rolled back like a scroll,I believe people are going to fall on their faces and finally realize just how real our Lord and Savior is.As a christian, I would never study buddhism but I respect that you do.I hope and pray that you would study a bit on Jesus Christ and not totally dismiss the Gospel.God has been so good to me and part of that experience is letting his love flow back through you to others. I apologize for those that have been ugly to you or to others. I know that God Almighty must frown down on them also. There will be a day that they have to stand before him and answer for their actions,we all will. Please know that we all are not mean and we do love and we do have peace that passes all understanding.Without Christ I am but nothing.

3 03 2007
Toby (09:39:22) :

The man begging for help IS Gods’ son. Whatever you do for the least of these - you do for me”. And although he may not realize it ,the man is not asking for money, he’s asking for the Living Water and the Bread of eternal life. To dismiss him with a few coins is to tell Jesus that you don’t have time for Him - that you don’t care. To walk in His steps - to live like Jesus, we must recognize His calling to us, stop, and be His instrument in bringing hsi Light into the lives of the hungry, poor, lonely and hopeless.

Your BLOG, your message - is beautiful. Thank you.

26 06 2007
John Bland-Paxton (09:34:39) :

This video is really thought provoking, I myself have been in situations like this numerous times and like a previous respondent said act when the spirit leads. But seeing the guy is the first action and its then our love for christ that takes over. Christ said when you do this for the least of them then you do it for me, we do not need to wait and listen for the spirit to prompt us, he already has! If we ignore the sight we are ignoring Christ, When we see the homeless and do nothing we are being hypocrites, we cannot always help out materially (actually doing that could sometimes cause more harm than good). Our response must be like Pauls Silver and gold have I none but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ, Rise up and Walk. Our own words should be ‘Silver and gold have I none but what I have I give you’. If you cannot help materially arrange for assistance this might mean you taking time out to go see other organisations (like the Salvation Army, Social services,other church organisations) but ignore that homeless/needy person at your peril its your Soul at risk

2 09 2007
Gayla Stahl (23:53:51) :

Its not enough… to do as the video suggests… to reach into the change spot and give a little of what you would norally use for the toll booth… Jesus would go to that man… and see what he could do personally… for him.. he would take him in and buy him a meal… and discuss his circumstances with him… take him home with him.. if he had no home.. put him in his own bed… give him a new set of clothes… see about getting him some permanent place to live.. where he could be happy… this would fill this sad face with so much glory.. you could almost see Christ in him… he would be so happy… and this would be fullfilling Christs commands… nothing less will do… the church has stood by and watched from afar.. as a whole generation is going homeless.. and how many have went to them… and asked… what can we do to help you.. why are you here…. we can turn this around…

Why Church… Why… is this so???
What can be done about it… now….????
It is a shame and a disgrace to us as a nation.. full of churches.. that we would have even one… homeless.. when Christ tells us plainly that it is our job to see to the needs of the people…. when are we going to get started????? what is keeping us.. you would be tremendously suprised… at what one can do.. Look at what Jesus did.. and he was only one.. but.. he said… the works that you will do.. will be greater… than what I did.. how can that be… because there are so many of us… and only one of him….. Be about the Fathers business….

23 09 2014
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22 05 2015
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