How is God Working in Your Life?

13 06 2008

We want to hear your stories. What is God up to in your life?

Do you have an encouraging story of how God has helped you overcome an obstacle?

Or perhaps you are in the midst of a current challenge and want to share your story so that we can encourage and pray for you.

Remember, by sharing your story you allow God to use it to help someone else who may be struggling with the same issue you have faced.

Comment Here.



163 responses to “How is God Working in Your Life?”

13 06 2008
joe (16:58:29) :

we are facing a difficulty in our life and we need help but we know that their is divine god who know everything will be good for us, we are believeing that god is the only one who can help us throught his will and I am trusting him with my heart and my all soul that everything is possible throught him I am praying in faith that everything will be ok, I only want to say that its so important to believe in god and to have a belief that with his power we can do the unbelievable… I love you god help anyperson on this planet who love you and who believe in you and give them the life to be happy in their life.. thank you god to answering my prayers as I believe in you.

14 06 2008
Chris Smit (02:41:09) :

Since december the hardware shop went down in sales. We thougt of it to close the shop. I decided to start pray and ask for a miracle at first nothing happend and i start wondering if GOD is going to save the shop. Last week out of the blue a contractor came in and ask me to quote on a project 2 days later he came back and award the half a million contract to us. I know for sure that this was only GOD and even when i doubted GOD HE came to our rescue. Praise HIS great and wonderful Name Amen.

14 06 2008
Alison (04:39:07) :

I did comment on poem but I also gave my story on how Great God is under the poem title so if you are interested to see how Great God is then please read my comment aswell. thank you and God bless you all

14 06 2008
Barbara (10:30:16) :

First I have a prayer request. My oldest son, 34 is hospitalized with a blood clot in his arm called an acute axillary subclavical thrombosis caused by repetive motion injury. After 2 days in intensive care, he is now in a regular room awaiting surgery. He is not out of the woods yet, but his condition is under control. God seems to be working in his life in a big way, and he knows it. We are all just wondering where this is going to lead.

He is working in my life in a big way too. It took Him a while, but he finally taught me gratitude, and since I learned the lesson, blessings have been falling like rain. I went from being unhappy with my health, marriage, and life in general, living in a 20 year old trailer to being thankful I can still walk, that I have a husband who loves me, and that all my needs were provided for. I now live in an old house, but the house of my dreams, set up so I can take care of it, redone by a son and step daughter, with fixtures gifted by another son and daughter. I received a gift of a green stone, we think it’s an emerald, but it doesn’t really matter to me, from my daughter-in-law and son which she brought back from Afghanistan after a tour of military duty. They had it set and gave it to me for Christmas. I wore it all the time. I reached up to touch it as I often do and the stone was gone. I had been many places that day and even trimmed limbs on my trees. After a lot of begging God and searching, I found that stone laying on my driveway where I had been working in flowers. Only our God can do that! As I said, the blessings are coming down like rain.

I trust that whatever God is doing with my son is another blessing in the long run, but he and I still need your prayers for patience since this is going to be a long recovery process with a lot of potential for set backs. Thanks to all and “let your attitude be gratitude”


14 06 2008
Regina Nehemiah (10:37:51) :

I think God has been doing grade things in my life i thank God. My challenge now is, i am a single girl and whever i am into a relationship with a man the first time things will be going smoothly but when it is time for us to get married the story will change. I want you people to help me i beleive in prayers let God destroy ever yoke that the devil has planted in my life in Jesus name.

14 06 2008
Riaan (13:00:29) :

I believe that it is important for a Christian to talk positively. When I confess that God is in control and that He can and will change any situation for the better He can do something with that statemant. If I talk negatively God connot do something with that. If I for example say that I am poor. God connot do something. If I confess that in God I am rich and that He provide in all my needs He can do something with such a statement. God works in miraculous ways and He specialize in it. I think that we as Christians must keep on speaking positively. In His time God will provide. Whatever your situation. Keep on trusting God. If God takes a long time it became difficult. Abraham waited 13 years before Isaac the son of the promise was born. Keep on trusting.

Pray that I also shall keep on trusting.

Blessings in Christ


15 06 2008
livelikeJESUS (23:25:38) :

Thanks to all who have shared so far. Please know that we, and others around the world, are praying for you. I pray for God’s will to be done in our lives and for each of us to have faith to know that all things good come in God’s perfect timing. Sometimes we aren’t sure why certain things happen but if we trust in God and praise God, during the good times and the bad, we will surely bring honor to his name.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
Psalm 20:7

16 06 2008
Charu (00:31:14) :

Dear Friend,

I am charu 32, Male, a Hindu Brahmin. Since my childhood attracted to Christ and Christian community and always liked to get connected with them. When grew up my responsibilities towards my family increased and due to problems could not handled them and there were problems after problems wherein I could see myself sinking down and down. And ! alas ! May be Jesus knew about all this and he sent a Christian friend to me who advised me to go to Church and pray Him and only He would get you out of these problems and your life will be as smooth as that. As such I was since my childhood I was crezy about Jesus but never went to the Church becuase people around (Hindus) chriticise you and even bycot you. This time I just did not bother about them and went to a nearby Church. I was welcomed there, was inquired about my prblems and was advised me not to fear about anything. He is the ultimate God who takes care of His Child. Since then I am a regular visitor of the Church.

1) How I become fearless ???????????????????????????
2) How could I get courage and strength in my legst and they were automatically
being directed to Church??????????????????????????????????????
3) How could I be welcomed by all male females in the Church by Christian society ???????
4) And lastly I could I get rid of all my problems and my life becoming evergreen. ???????

These are the biggest questions for which I am not trying to get the answeres as whenever these questions come to my mind, my mind automatically thinks about Jesus.

I want to make lots of Christian friends to know more and more about Jesus, his prays and
Christian culture. Hope you will help.

Thanks Regards

16 06 2008
Alicia Tunby (14:10:50) :

God has been so good to my husband and I. For the last three years we have been trying to have a baby. With five miscarriages and lots of tests and two different doctors it has been very tough. Only to be told after every test that I am normal and they could not find a reason. When I lost my fifth child it was around November and I was severely depressed. My husband and I take part in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry at Christmas each year and the year before we had each sent a box. Mine to a girl and his to a boy. I took the time to write to my girl and even provided paper for her to write me back. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would hear from her. Then that day in November when I was very down I came home from work and there was a letter from Romatswa, Botswana Africa. I was so shocked. I opened the letter and I saw the first words My Parents, and the tears started to flow. She is a 10 year old girl named Lorato Simbere and she lives with her parents and her brother in Africa. She just wanted to thank us for the gifts from “The God.” It blessed my heart so much that God used a little girl across the world to bless the heart of a woman in such despair over miscarriage. Then a month later at Christmas we participated in Operation Christmas child again and we sent out two more boxes plus a special one to Lorato and I also sent Christmas cards to both my doctors and told them that we were not going to take any more tests and that we were just going to Let Go and Let God. A week after Christmas I was pregnant! God is so awesome. I am now 28 weeks and I am going to name our little girl “Trinity (Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit) Faith (Because it took an enormous amount of it to get her here) Tunby. Little Trinity is rolling around in my belly right now as we speak and I love it! So just when you think that all hope is lost I am a true testament that God shows up when you feel you can not go on. I am also 40 so the odds were very much stacked against me. With God all things are possible to him that believes! Trust in the Lord and never waver from that trust and if it is in his will, he will move your mountain too! Glory to God in the Highest!

16 06 2008
melissa hartsell (22:40:55) :

I want to thank God for all his love,mercy,and husband was a sinner and didn’t care about God,going to church.he was addicted to alcohol and smoked cigarettes.i was messing around online with guys.our marriage was falling apart.i was saved again on mothers day of husband went to church a week after me.he was saved.God removed his desire for cigarettes and alcohol.we were baptized soon after.God restored the love in our marriage.
we were baptized in the Holy Ghost as well.God has never failed us,though we have failed him.if anyone has a spouse out there that doesn’;t believe don’t ever,ever give up or quit praying for them!there is hope in Jesus Christ!

17 06 2008
OLUBIYI 'TOSIN (07:46:19) :

Your articles are spirit lifting and encouraging.
Keep up the good work for our father and master.

19 06 2008
Tanya Napoleon (07:59:22) :

Good day my fellow brothers and sister in Christ. Yes everyday is a day to marvell at the mercy of our God. His love truelly has no end, something the human mind will never understand, that one can be loved and valued so much.
My husband and I have been married for 10 yrs and are blessed with 3 angels. We struggle financially but God provides, at least we have enough to get by. We had a car which was more broken than driven and every morning would start with us praying for this vehicle to start. My husband would have to get up 30min earlier just to get the car started as hit needs to warm up first. We would end up being late for work everyday but had to get our kids to my mom which lives a 15min drive away from us. Most times our kids would sleep there and just come home over weekends specially winter. My boss being a Christian himself was well aware of my dilemma everyday. I often prayed through our frustration and would every morning remind my darling husband that this is not the life God intends for us to have struggling with a car or having to walk at 5H30am every morning with our kids. December 2006 my boss invited the Napoleons for supper, more telling me to come than inviting me. Anyway that evening he handed me a box and told me that God has spoken to him and he wants no nonsense from me, not wanting to accept his gift. Hopefully you have made out that the little box contained the car keys to his Toyota Tazz which he blessed us with as he was in the process of buying himself a new car. Today getting ready for work is easier, no more keeping fingers cross for the car to work everymorning by God’s grace we just get in and go. This car has been a blessing and i still cannot thank God enough. We no longer have to rent our kids over weekends and we pray in the car everymorning as we leave to go our seperate ways. God is made our travelling alot easier. Be blessed and thank you for all the amazing testimonies.

19 06 2008
Rene (11:20:37) :

Hi all

I have read all the post today and they have reminded me about the love that our Lord God has for us. I have been so drepressed about our financial situation that I have lost all hope and faith, please pray for me and my family, that we might find peace in ourselves and know that we can go to Lord in prey.

Thanks for the spiritually uplifting comments that I have read today.

God Bless

25 06 2008
Nalaka (07:02:29) :

We married 10 years ago and wife could not get conceive until around April 2008. We did all the treatments under the sun. One IU in Singapore and 2 expensive IVFs in India. We followed all the faiths except Islam. Then we happened to follow few prayers guided by an evangelistic couple. In two months, my wife was conceived. Can you feel the happiness we are going through. The medical science could not solve our problem. Thank you father God. I pray that you would help such childless couples all over the world. In the name of Jesus, Amen. from Sri Lanka

9 07 2008
Alicia Tunby (15:26:15) :

Hi Nalaka,

I just read your testimony and it is awesome. God is so awesome. We did not get to the point of IVF but I was just before contemplating adoption and I was really not wanting to do that because I wanted to see the characteristics of Mom and Dad in my baby’s face. We are now at 31 weeks and I am so in awe of what Father God has done for us. They say my baby is going to be anywhere from 8-10 lbs so she is a healthy baby too! I have given this child to God for his service. He is good enough to see that we have a child so I wanted to honor him and dedicate this child to the Lord. I pray that all goes well in the birth process for you both and may you have a beautiful, healthy baby! Rene, the best advice I could give you is believe even when you do not feel like believing. There is a song that I would listen to in my hour of despair and it is by the gospel group called “The Whisnants” and it is called “A Greater Yes.” The words would get me to crying all the time because it talks about how it starts with a desire planted deep within your heart and you pray and pray waiting for God to move and then it basically is talking about the time and the silence that we have to go through before the answer is “Yes.” It is tough but I have never seen God’s seed begging bread and let me tell you I never will. He will never leave you and will never forsake you. In this economy it is so tough today and we are stretching our dollar as far as it will go. I would like to share a site with you today that is about saving money through coupons and I have been trying to save at every cost but this lady is really smart and she is a stay at home mother that had to make ends meet the best way she knew how and she found that with stores that would double coupons she brings in loads of groceries and I mean a hundred dollars worth or so for as little as $24.00 with the use of coupons. I want to share the site with you if I may be permitted to do so. It is I hope this will help in this ever increasing world of high gas prices and high food prices and just overwhelming prices on everything. What I try to do is look at what I do have and sometimes it is not easy but I try to count my blessings and look at all those out there that are less fortunate than I and I realize just how blessed I truly am. I watched a dateline show on these little children in Zimbabwe that did not have shoes and the missionaries came and brought them all shoes and I wish you could have seen their faces. It made me realize I have nothing to worry about. When we worry too, I believe we are in direct disobedience to God because he said to not think on these things. What you are going to wear or eat because he knows every hair on our head and he cares for us. He will not let us go without. So dear sister, I encourage you to read Hebrews 11 and I start out my morning with this verse because it restores my faith when I do not feel like having any and believe you me I have had my days. I pray that we all would be blessed with supernatural financial prosperity and that the Lord would move on our behalf very soon. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all we have to do is ask him to sell a little for us so that we can have some of the proceeds. It is amazing to watch God at work. If you truly believe he will move in mighty ways! God Bless you all!

16 08 2008
Gayla (19:07:48) :

It is beautiful to see how the same God that came into my in June of 1985, is working all around the world, drawing people to himself…. It is such a joy to see the love and faith, and hope that is shared on these pages, and interesting too, to see how people from all over find their way here…..

God is allowing me to participate in my daughters coming into the faith. She witnessed my transformation, in 1985, and although she could not understand it, she knew that something had happened….

And sense that “something” has lasted, and become the driving force in my life, she now, is coming down the same path, and it is my fondest pleasure to be able to be there for her, to help her along the way.

She just asked me about fasting, having observed it in my life many times, and not fully understanding it… until needs in her own life, reminded her of it, and she having an idea that it was something that was designed to be of help to us in our walk, asked me the particulars of it.

I can’t tell you the joy I felt, being able to share, what I have learned over the years, of my precious savior, and his ways, with my beautiful daughter. My cup runneth over….

I would like to extend a great big hug (((hugs))) to everyone out there, ones that have accepted Jesus, and others who are still considering it. May God richly bless each of you, and help you to find the love and comfort that I have found in my Lord.

God Bless… from the USA

21 08 2008
Ntswaki (07:13:23) :

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to give the testimony.I m woman who got married on june 2008,At once I thought it was impossible to get wedding of my dreams cause of the expences found especially with us blacks atleast you ve to have R20.000 and I didn`t have a cent in my bank account.
But because we serve a miracle working God,He whispered in my ear and said
Be still and know that I m God…,I m telling you,my wedding was so perfect everybody was happy,food, drinks and the spirit of peace moving all around.
I really thank God and his trinity for making this work
So you might be somewhere there not having a solution,take God by faith you `ll see your breakthrough coming your way.
I love God in Jesus name

22 08 2008
David Motswagae (03:08:16) :

God works with what is in your heart, he looks at your intentions and motives. Many people wonder why their prayers are not answered, but the answer is simple; When you pray for a job, tell God how you’re going to spend your money and how excellent you will be in tithing and offering. God will check your intentions and He will bless you with a job. Now the practical part comes, and you find that a person does not live up to His word, then that is where God sees that you are not ready yet for bigger blessings and He will let you be at that stagnant point until you are ready to make a commitment to live up to your word.

The rule is simple: Pray for something having a good intention and motive God will bless you. After He has blessed you then be a blessing to others. Live up to your word and you will see, God will bless you more abundantly.

David Goitsemang Motswagae

30 09 2008
Lyndal (07:11:41) :

Dear reader,
Let go of all your past regrets and give them to our precious Father and Lord. He will take them and use you, like He has done for me.

I was abandoned, adopted and found my natural mum and family. My family are not Christians and I believe if God had left me with them I would be in a horrible mess today. You see at age 15 I was unable to cope with severe mental illness. It was only through God’s intervention that I received the best medical care and help to recover from depression that could have killed me. My adoptive parents are Christians and compassionately got me the treatment I needed to recover.

Today, I’m 36, and I have given my life to serving our amazing Lord. He is healing me from the inside out and has forgiven me for all the anger and mistakes I’ve made in the past. He can do the same for you. If you give Him your past mistakes He will take them and you will feel peace. Trust Him He wants whats best for you.

He loves you so much, and you deserve to feel His peace.

Love Lyndal xx

1 10 2008
Mark (20:50:33) :

On a trip from London, England to Dallas Texas in the USA, I sat next to a young lady in her early twenties. She was from Sacramento, California and we began to exchange a few words. I asked her what she was doing in London and she explained that she was a student. She had spent three months there and was going home to visit her family.

I also discovered that she had had a roommate in London that had got on her nerves more and more while she was living there. She was leaving London and she was glad to see the end of her. She asked me whether I was married, whether I had children, where I lived. There was polite conversation for a while, until after a while, we lapsed into silence for the ten hour flight ahead.

About three hours into the flight I was sitting quietly, reading my Bible, when God impressed the name Gillian on my mind and I felt that He wanted me to ask her about Gillian.

“I can’t do that”, I thought.

“Ask her”, said the Lord more firmly this time (you see God is patient).

“I can’t do that - she will think that I’m crazy”, I responded.

“Ask her”, said the Lord more firmly this time.

I gritted my teeth and turned to her: “Tell me about Gillian”, I said.

She replied, “Which Gillian?”

She probed further, “Gillian in London or Gillian in Florida?”

“I don’t know - you tell me”, I responded.

She then proceeded to tell me that her friend Gillian in Florida came to live with her in London and was her roommate for three months. God had given me the name of her roommate that had got on her nerves!

Then she caught herself: “Tell me how you knew about Gillian?”

For the rest of the flight I had a captive audience as I shared with her the power of the Holy Spirit and what it means to know this Jesus Christ.

To read more check out

18 01 2009
DAVID WILLIAMS (13:52:59) :

My wife was healed of cancer and I had back surgery lower back and I am doing great thanks to our lord and saviour amen

5 02 2009
Olof (10:12:32) :


The name “Deyroyo Samuel” has become quite famous, especially among young people. But there are many who do not know who he is.
As a cousin of Deyroyo Samuel, I have started a blog and the purpose of this blog is to present who he is by adding different things he has done and make for example: articles, CDs, activities, video clips etc.

The name of the blog is

I would be so happy and honoured if you could visit it and give me your opinions, because I can see that you have many beautiful ideas.
Thank you

1 04 2009
OLUBIYI TOSIN (10:41:23) :

Beloved in Christ,
I want to thank you all for the wonderful works you are doing for our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Please do not relent as you are going to be adequately rewarded on the “payday” I pray may our labour for Him not be in vain. Please keep up the good work and let us intensify our efforts at ensuring that SOULS are rescued from HELL no matter what. With our Zeal, commitment, and prayer I’m sure we will reach out more and the Lord of harvest will save sinners.
Something keeps bothering my mind and it is the issue on the State of the church. My heart bleeds each time i read some uncomfortable news about great men of God all over the world and how christians have suddenly changed and join the world in the “rat race”. May God help us all.
I will like you to join in the movement of interceeding for our ministers of God all over the world. I believe many atimes those Aarons who are supposed to be lifting there hands up when they are weary are not usually there or what do you think……?
Moreso can i get information about POLAND? I love that nation so much though I’m a Nigerian.

26 12 2009
Timotheus (BAHL) (10:23:52) :

I am encouraged to share it for prayer & counseling began ministry in 1981 & in 2001, I got a student for Bible training for the year.After the training he offered to work along with me.I got the call of Evangelist & Bible teacher.So I let him do the Pastoral duty as he showed the apptitude.I was hesitant to lay hands on him for ordination but on his strong request I did.I welcomed him then as younger brother.He began to preach very discretely about Holiness from Ps 15.I honored his ministry but lately I learnt-his wife expired 2 years ago & that at the same time he was living in adultery,with the female students,(even when his wife was alive but away from his ministry place, at her home). Threatening them of dire consequences, if they told me.A student revealed me only after going away from here. Then a widow told of going through an attempt on her.By the time he became aware that some people know this, he very humbly just confessed that he did commit adultery with a girl-studnent.So every one is sympathising with his attitude. And he feels that he can now just continue with ministry without any hitch or delay.Should he not step down & live as a believer. Also while pastering he has been as Absalom, winnning people to himself & drifting away from me. I still fine God reminding & convincing that He is Judge.I praise God for that.Also I am to treat him just as Lord did to Judas Escariot…washing his fet & letting him kiss, addressing him as a friend. Since he was destined to hell. Feel free to counsel me & just praise God that He is on the Throne of my life.

7 02 2010
Nicole (17:44:21) :

thank you for the opportunity to vent. one lives in christ because christ is not external, it is only internal. living the golden rule is just as much internal as it seems to be external. doing to others as you would do yourself starts with the internal thought and emotional response to the external. for example, when those around you, even those you are closest to whether live with or work with, are just not living in christ, it is the golden rule to bring it out in them which is the biggest challenge of all as it is the same reason my lord was killed on the cross. when living in the golden rule, remember you are carrying your cross waiting to be just as jesus was on his. find comfort in your cross when facing those who aren’t carrying one. it is your support as well as your freedom. thankyou.

28 09 2010
Bible Study (21:08:37) :

I have been under great attack from Satan over the last year. He took my job, the church cast me out and took my preaching priviledges, my wife almost left with my baby, my family turned against me. God has turned all that around this week. My wife is content again. I am getting a better job with promotion, my family is by my side. The only thing, the church I used to go to still doesn’t accept me. That’s ok, cause God is blessing, praise his holy name.

17 11 2010
Ro (13:17:15) :

thanks for your stories my brothers and sisters in Christ ! I have gone through deep depression in the past year or so, and it’s only because of Jesus working through loving friends that I am alive and healthy today! I finally got the medical help and Christian counselling i needed! I just wanted to encourage all of you that in ANY situation there IS HOPE! no situation is hopeless with Jesus.He has blessed me so much! and I am living a full life in Him today! my Fathers love never ends!

2 12 2010
Bible Study Online (02:07:19) :

God has blessed me to regain my ministry in the organization that once refused to allow me to preach. Amazing, God is moving.

11 03 2011
Mackenzie (03:19:50) :

God has blessed my life with my wonderful family and friends. every day this past year, after losing myself at 14 has been a challenge. my heart has been so broken, but through Jesus Christ my life has been healed. losing my mom was the biggest heartbreak, but i know for a fact that my mom is with Jesus in heaven and i will see her again. her faith in Christ was so amazing, and lives on through me. no hardships in this life can be overcome without Jesus. the Lord has done so many great things for us, and we all have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. i have no idea why my mom died at 14, but all i know is that God has a huge plan and purpose for it. through my mom’s death, i have realized what it really means to live your life and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and now i want everyone to become a believer. faith in Jesus Christ, is the only constant and perfect thing in our lives, and in Christ alone we can only be redeemed and saved. i love you, all of my family and friends, and mommy, i love you more than anything, i would have died so that you could be here! God has a plan and the amazing thing is that one day we will all be in paradise with Jesus, our loved ones, and all believers. our God is an awesome God and he is glorious. I love you mommy, and see you soon. Brokeness is when Jesus is all you have, contentment is when Jesus is all you need, and joy is when Jesus is all that you need! God is good:) - Mackenzie

9 06 2011
Robert S (11:26:56) :

I recently was very addicted to World Of Warcraft. I had allowed this game to take over my life. I thank God that the images He gave me “woke me up” before it is too late. People let there be no question in your minds, there is a Heaven and Hell. Games like WOW are built to play on your addictive natures, they are also built to replace something you are missing in your life. I am renewing my Faith in Jesus Christ, because I was shown what would be instore for me and anyone else if they do not seek, find, and get to know Jesus. Hell will be a terrible place and once there, you will not be given another chance. Find God in your life soon, because He knows you. My life was almost torn completely apart: IE… I had no contact with my family, My girlfriend wanted nothing to do with me, my anger was rising when i thought that WOW was a way to release it. The best way to release you anger is to bless those who do you wrong, not to fight them in the real world, nor to fight in a “virtual world”. We need the Lord in our lives, and He wants to be there for us. What is asked of us is to follow in His ways, and to teach others about Him. Do not allow yourselves to get lost and turned away like I did.
Video games are another Drug, another way to become lost. They may feel like an escape to you, but they are no different than drugs and alcohol if that is what you use them for. Please understand that Jesus will take you back no matter what you may have done, as long as you ask Him to, before your time here is done. Don’t wait until it is too late, the alternative to heaven is HORRIBLE, lonely, and painful beyond anything you can imagine.

2 12 2012
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